As the end of the school term draws near, I’ve noticed that many people are feeling tired and low in energy. In previous articles we have looked at how to optimise nutrition for better health and we’ve also looked at some tips for how to do a spring detox.
Now it’s time to look at rest and rejuvenation in more detail and see what we can do to promote more restful sleep.
Looking at screens before bedtime does the opposite of promote restful sleep. Blue light and EMF radiation are well known sleep disruptors. Smartphones and computers emit large amounts of blue light and this is why its best to keep them away from you in the time before bed.
Be consistent with bedtimes. Keep the sleep time and waking time the same each day and this will help promote better sleep habits. Try to do the same even on holidays if you can. There are always exceptions to the rule, but what matters is consistency and regularity.
Getting the temperature right can help you get a more restful sleep. Make sure that your bedding is not too cold or too warm. We’ve all experienced interrupts sleep during summer or when visiting hot locations. It is easier to sleep in a cool or mildly temperate environment than it is in a hot one. Leave a window open a tiny bit to encourage fresh air flow but make sure you are not sleeping under a draught.
Eating a heavy meal before bedtime will make for an uncomfortable night and a potential food hangover in the morning. Assist your body’s natural digestive process by eating dinner at least 2 hours prior to bedtime. Going to bed with a lighter belly makes for a more restful sleep.
Drinking alcohol before bed can make you drowsy, however it is a well-known sleep disruptor that affects sleep as well as hormones. It’s best not to drink alcohol before bed and in fact, its’ good to avoid all fluids. A full bladder will cause wakefulness through the night and some propel find it difficult to fall back to sleep again.
Avoid consuming caffeine after 2pm. The stimulant benefits of coffee work against you when it comes to falling asleep. The same is true for black tea. Avoid before bed and drink herbal teas such as chamomile or peppermint instead.
Regular exercise assists with all metabolic processes, but did you know that sleep is one of those? Regular exercise of any kind promotes deep and restful sleep. If you exercise after work, make sure you leave enough time for your body to recover before sleep or you will find you are too stimulated.
Try to get direct sun exposure each day as this affects your natural production of melatonin, which is nature’s sleep hormone. Daily light exposure will most likely help you. If it’s not possible or practical, invest in an artificial bright light device or bulbs.
Reading before bed may not be your thing, but you can try this breathing exercise instead. This is an effective de-stressor for all ages, kids and teens included.
This is an example of a simple breathing exercise that is easy to do and requires no specialised equipment.
Three-part breathing exercise is very popular due to its simplicity. This is all you need to do:
Take a long deep inhale
Exhale fully while focusing intently on your body and how it feels and pay particular attention to your shoulders and see if they hold tension.
Do this a few times, then aim to make your exhalation longer than your inhalation.
If you need further support you could try Q Sleep, a remedy we formulated to specifically help with this issue. You can contact me directly to purchase and each remedy costs $25.
Earthing oz stock pillowcases and underlay mats that are ‘earthed’ and provide a deep restful sleep, akin to sleeping on the ground in a natural environment. Click on the link to learn more.
If you would like a more personalised consultation to address your specific needs, you can book in to see me via the link in the website. You can also contact me directly on 0415 847 429.
In the next article, we will look at more specific homeopathic remedies to address sleep issues.